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How 'n Solar INVEST system can be a good option, even when conditions might not be ideal
Often a pragmatic approach is needed to tap into the sun's energy. Even though conditions are not ideal, if a design is done well, it might still be feasible to install a Solar System which delivers a great return on investment.
Click on the PDF logo on the left to read the full document.

Hoe 'n goeie ontwerp en kundigheid vertroue in sonkrag kan gee
Om die waters te toets, het Malu in 2017 'n voorloper (32.4kWp) stelsel installeer om te sien wat sonkrag werklik kan doen. Na 'n jaar is Malu tevrede met die opbrengs, en die akkuraatheid van die voorspelling van die stelsel. So tevrede, dat hulle voortgegaan het met 'n tweede fase van sonkrag. Malu het nou al al te saam 160.83kWp se sonkrag stelsels.
Kliek op die PDF blokkie aan die linker kant om meer te lees.

Hoe om te verseker jy koop die regte stelsel vir jou huis
Met die vrystel van Solar Engineering se nuwe produkte vir die residensiële mark, is dit baie belangrik dat kliënte presies weet wat hulle koop. Wanneer mens 'n sonstelsel koop, koop mens nie net 'n produk nie, maar energie. Hierdie artikel kan bietjie duidelikheid gee oor hoe om te bepaal of jou sonstelsel reg is vir jou energie behoeftes.
Kliek op die PDF blokkie aan die linker kant om meer te lees.

Why is it necessary to appoint an Engineer to design a Solar System?
Vermeulen's Build It in Kimberley was one of the first businesses in central South Africa to see the potential which photovoltaic electricity has to offer as an investment. In 2014 Vermeulen's invested in the Solar INVEST from Solar Engineering by installing phase 1 of what would become 3 phases of installations. The first phase was a 20kWp system, followed by 25kWp and 30kWp.
More than a year after phase 2 was installed this case study will focus on the returns which phase 2 has produced by comparing the predicted returns vs the real returns.
Click on the PDF logo on the left to read the full document.

Connecting Approved Grid Tied Systems to Utility Supplies
Due to the growing number of photo-voltaic (PV) installations being done in South Africa, standards and guidelines are being developed and enforced to ensure the safety of everyone using the national network. Not all PV installers follow these guidelines, which may lead to disconnection from local authorities. The list below contains a few of these:
The System must be signed off by a Registered Professional Engineer.
The System must have a Certificate of Compliance issued by an Electrician.
The System must be sized according to your Notified Maximum Demand (NMD).
Click on the PDF logo on the left to read the full document.